TASC D Registry

TASC D Registry

Superficial femoral artery (SFA)

Twelve months effectiveness analysis of the Pulsar-18 self-expanding nitinol stent in patients with critical limb ischemia1


  • SFA TASC D lesions can be treated with the Pulsar-18 stent with 100% procedural success in critical limb ischemia (CLI) patients.
  • The average lesion length of 24.5 cm is much longer than in other published data, while primary patency (PP) and Freedom from Target Lesion Revascularization (FTLR) rates are similar to this published data.
  • In these very long and chronic total occluded lesions, the Pulsar-18 stents provide sufficient radial force, as demonstrated by 77% PP at 12 months.

Study Design

  • Single-center, prospective registry
  • Number of patients (n): 22
  • Primary investigator: Dr. Michael Lichtenberg, Klinikum Arnsberg, Germany
  • Follow-up at 6 and 12 months
  • Endpoints: primary patency (PP)2 2 at 12 months and freedom from Target Lesion Revascularization (FTLR)
Picture shows study design

Patient Demographics and Lesion Characteristics

Picture shows demographics


Picture shows study results
Picture shows study results


BIOTRONIK 4 F system Passeo-18

Vascular Intervention

Self-expanding StentOne-handed stent release for accurate stent deployment

Picture shows Pulsar-35

Vascular Intervention

Self-expanding StentTri-axial shaft for a stable delivery system during stent deployment

1 Lichtenberg M, Stahlhoff W, Boese D. J. Cardiovasc Surg. 2013; 54: 433-9.
2 = Peak Systolic Velocity Ratio < 2.5 m/s duplex ultrasound

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