European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress – Digital Experience

ESC Congress 2020 provides us with a most exciting opportunity: to disseminate the best ground-breaking cardiovascular science in a totally new, digital experience.
You are invited to attend the Q&A Live Session “Lighten The Load: How Remote Monitoring For Devices and ICMs Can Reduce Workload in Cardiac Clinics”. Mark your calendar now and join us on Tuesday, September 1, 18:30 - 19:30 CEST. The session is chaired by Prof. Jan Steffel, University Hospital Zurich (Switzerland) who speaks with the principal investigator of the RM-Alone Study (Remote Monitoring), Dr. Francisco Javier García Fernández, University Hospital Burgos (Spain) and the expert on cardiac monitoring, Dr. Nico Reinsch, Hospital Essen (Germany). Your perspective counts – please join and chat with the speakers.
You missed BIOTRONIK session „Lighten the Load"?
Watch the pre-recording
Watch the full session
Not all ICMs are the same. Dr. Nico Reinsch will be talking about aspects of ICMs – important for effective, long-term cardiacmonitoring and workload reduction. |
Hear from Dr. Francisco García-Fernández about the RM-ALONE study results, showing how an effective remotemonitoring system can ease hospital staff workload and replace in-office follow-up. |

Chairman / Moderation
Prof. Jan Steffel
Heart Center – University Hospital Zurich, CH

Dr. Nico Reinsch
Alfried Krupp Hospital Essen, D
Presentation Title:
Lighten The Load: How Remote Monitoring For Devices and ICMs Can Reduce Workload in Cardiac Clinics
Learning Objectives:
• Learn about which aspects of an ICM are important to have effective long term cardiac monitoring and low workload.
• Learn about real life performance of BIOMONITOR III and BIOMONITOR IIIm in a clinical setting
• Learn about the technology allowing high quality ECGs with visible p-waves and actionable ECG recordings

Dr. Francisco Javier García-Fernández
University Hospital Burgos, E
Presentation Title:
Safe and simplified patient surveillance exclusively based on Home Monitoring: results from the RM-Alone trial
Learning Objectives:
• Learn about the outcomes of the RM-Alone study (reduction of hospital staff workload and replacement of in-office follow-ups)
• Learn about how such outcomes were achieved keeping patient safety uncompromised
• Learn how Home Monitoring can ease the hospital staff workload and replace in-office follow-up, especially in times of COVID-19