Rivacor 3 HF-T QP/HF-T
Vereinfachte und optimierte CRT über einen Zeitraum von bis zu 9 Jahren1
Das Leben mit Herzinsuffizienz ist belastend und ihre Behandlung und ihr Management können komplex und zeitaufwendig sein. Für genau diese Herausforderungen im echten Leben sind die CRT-D-Systeme Rivacor 3 ausgelegt. Diese neuen und kleineren Systeme vereinfachen Behandlung und Therapie für bis zu 9 Jahre1. In Kombination mit der BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring-Technologie kann das Leben der Patienten noch weiter verlängert werden. Dies wurde in klinischen Studien belegt30.
BIOshape. Ultraflaches ICD (10 mm)
CRT-Ds der Rivacor Familie sind klein und flach – mit nur 10 mm Dicke – und haben eine schlanke, elliptische und körperfreundliche BIOshape-Form1.
9 Jahre Laufzeit. 6 Jahre Garantie.
CRT-Ds der Rivacor Familie haben eine verlängerte Batterielaufzeit von bis zu 9 Jahren9, mit 6 Jahren Vollgarantie.
Ganzkörper-MRT mit 3 Tesla. Automatisch umprogrammiert.
Alle Implantate der Rivacor Familie verfügen über ProMRI, das heißt, sie sind uneingeschränkt für hochauflösende Ganzkörper-MRT-Untersuchungen ohne Ausschlussbereich geeignet.
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1 Contoured housing; Acticor/Rivacor CRT-D QP: 60x75x10mm; 35ccm; CRT-D: 60x71.5x10mm; 33ccm
2 as part of an MR conditional system
3 Post-Market observation; interim-analysis, December 21, 2018. Data on file.
4 Device shape analysis, February 2019. Data on file.
5 Post-Market observation; interim-analysis, December 21, 2018. Data on file.
6 Post-Market observation; interim-analysis, December 21, 2018. Data on file.
7 Device shape analysis, February 2019. Data on file.
8 Post-Market observation; interim-analysis, December 21, 2018. Data on file.
9 Acticor/Rivacor HF-T QP, 9.3 years @ 60 ppm; RA 15%, RV/LV 100% pacing, RA/RV/LV @ 2.5 V/0.4 ms; 500 Ohms,
2 max. energy shocks/year. Data on file.
10 Acticor/Rivacor HF-T QP: 9.3 years @ 60 ppm; RA 15%, RV/LV 100% pacing, RA/RV/LV @ 2.5 V/0.4 ms; 500 Ohms,
2 max. energy shocks/year: Data on file vs. Medtronic 3T FBS; CLARIA (AMPLIA, COMPIA) MRI QUAD CRT-D SureScan:
6.8 years; Competitor device manuals as of Nov. 2018
11 Lee DS et al. Evaluation of Early Complications Related to De Novo Cardioverter Defibrillator Implantation.
Insights From The Ontario ICD database. J Am Col Cardiol 2010; 55:774-82
12 Fact file: Cardiac Imaging with MRI, CT and Nuclear Techniques, British Heart Foundation. January 2010.
13 When patients are monitored by BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring. See ProMRI® manual for all details.
14 Hindricks G et al. Implant-based multiparameter telemonitoring of patients with heart failure (IN-TIME):
a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet. 2014; 384 (9943): 583–590
15 Varma N et al. Efficacy and Safety of Automatic Remote Monitoring for Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Follow-Up:
The Lumos-T Safely Reduces Routine Office Device Follow-Up (TRUST) Trial. Circulation, 2010;122: 325 – 332.
16 Hindricks G et al. Implant-based multiparameter telemonitoring of patients with heart failure (IN-TIME):
a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet. 2014; 384 (9943): 583–590; (3.4% in the Home Monitoring Group vs. 8.7%
in the control group)
17 Ricci R P et al. Long-term patient acceptance of and satisfaction with implanted device remote monitoring.
Europace (2010) 12, 674-679.
18 Ricci R P et al. Long-term patient acceptance of and satisfaction with implanted device remote monitoring.
Europace (2010) 12, 674-679.
19 Hindricks G et al. Implant-based multiparameter telemonitoring of patients with heart failure (IN-TIME):
a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet. 2014; 384 (9943): 583–590
20 Vs. 55% - Crossley G H, Boyle A, Vitense H, et al. The CONNEXT (Clinical Evaluation of Remote
Notification to Reduce Time to Clinical Decision) Trial. JACC. 2011; 57(10):1181-1189 [for bar chart comparison only]
21 Ricci R P et al. Long-term patient acceptance of and satisfaction with implanted device remote monitoring.
Europace (2010) 12, 674-679.
22 Performance analysis. Data on file, 2018
23 Performance analysis. Data on file, 2018
24 Martin DO et al. Heart Rhythm 2012;9(11):1807-1814
25 van Gelder BM, Bracke FA, Meijer A, Pijls NH. The hemodynamic effect of intrinsic conduction during left
ventricular pacing as compared to biventricular pacing. J Am Coll Cardiol 2005;46:2305–2310.
26 Acticor/Rivacor HF-T QP, 10.8 years @ 60 ppm; RA 15%, RV 0%, LV 100% pacing, RA/RV/LV @ 2.5 V/0.4 ms;
500 Ohms, 2 max. energy shocks/year. Data on file.
27 Post-Market observation; interim-analysis, December 21, 2018. Data on file.
28 QP models only
29 Post-Market observation; interim-analysis, December 21, 2018. Data on file.
30 Hindricks G et al. Implant-based multiparameter telemonitoring of patients with heart failure (IN-TIME):
a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet. 2014; 384 (9943): 583–590; (3.4% in the Home Monitoring Group vs.
8.7% in the control group).